Eager to bring a social


Social cohesion refers to the strength of relationships and the sense of solidarity among members of a community. We work to promote values of social cohesion in schools and communities.

Social Cohesion
All OPEnE staff are from the war-torn Mannar district, so understand the devastating and continuing impacts of the decades-long conflict. However they have limited exposure to training, academic reflection and positive role models of multiculturalism outside their own communities. Staff have their own challenges in understanding the complexities of gender, caste and religion and in appreciating how to manage conflicts that arise due to such issues. As an organisation we are developing our individual and collective capacities to build social cohesion.
OPEnE wants to foster better relationships that could assist in promoting social cohesion in Mannar.

More than a decade into Sri Lanka's reconciliation process, social cohesion remains weak both nationally and locally.

Marginalised groups in the North and East remain disempowered economically, socially and politically. The barriers that impede their progress include resource constraints and an unequal access to available resources, a lack of sustainable livelihood options, weak governance structures, an outdated and unsuitable education system, a disempowered civil society, and an ambiguous reconciliation process.

We work to promote social cohesion and peace building by bringing together Tamil, Muslim and other groups and helping them to see each other’s perspective. OPEnE’s Self Help Groups provide a useful entry point to this work with the community. We also run training on pluralism and diversity in schools and communities.