Protecting our oceans


We are dedicated to creating a positive impact on the environment and championing sustainability.

Marine and fisheries sustainability
Our work in marine and fisheries sustainability is specifically designed to tackle the urgent challenges that our oceans and marine ecosystems are currently facing. We understand the vital importance of healthy oceans in preserving biodiversity, regulating climate patterns, and sustaining livelihoods for millions of people across the globe. With this project, we are committed to forging a path towards a more promising future for our marine environments.
“Protecting our oceans is crucial for a sustainable future. Marine sustainability ensures the preservation of biodiversity, supports livelihoods, and safeguards the well-being of our planet.”
OPEnE’s five-year sustainable fisheries program is supporting close to 1000 fishers to build sustainable incomes through diversification, improved market linkages, and better practices. The program aims to encourage new entrants to the industry, especially women, and to increase fishers’ catch, productivity and incomes.

We have a special focus on supporting women fishers, through facilitation of licences, technical training and other support.

We are also working to raise awareness of environmental issues and reduce the use of harmful practices, through training, support and sensitization sessions.

Join us in safeguarding the marine environment for generations to come. Together, we can make a difference.