Prepare and respond


OPEnE intends to prepare a response plan and delineation of responsibility prepared for all areas of Mannar.

Disaster Preparedness and Response
The Mannar District Disaster Management Centre has prepared hazard mapping plans, but they are not well communicated. Understanding and acting according to the plans would be beyond the capacity of those affected by disasters. In addition, communities have their own ‘early warning’ of disaster and damage mitigation measures. Integrating the hazard mapping of the Disaster Management Centre with the community knowledge will enhance disaster preparedness and effective action in case of disasters.
“The increased climate change, economic instability and the risks thereof mandate for preparedness and response.”

We collaborate with the Mannar District Management Centre to improve disaster preparedness capacity at a community level and work to strengthen district-level committees. For example we support work to prepare communities to evacuate if needed, and develop relocation and risk management plans.

We also inform and educate partners and other stakeholders on the impact of any emergencies.

In the event of a disaster or emergency, we work for immediate response and coordinate with other stakeholders to support victims. For example during the pandemic we supported district-level COVID response committees, supporting front-line first responders.